Can you permanently curl natural lashes yourself?
Let’s get straight to the door: there are ways to permanently curl your own natural lashes at home. So do it yourself! You might think that at first, but unfortunately treatment involves a lot of knowledge and treatment. If you use one of the products excessively or too quickly, you can seriously damage your natural eyelashes. You do this by means of a Lash Lift kit. This is a package with all the necessary equipment to permanently curl eyelashes. You can often purchase this online. Do you think what the hell! I’m just doing it. Then always view a tutorial of the accompanying product and the best tip from us is: do it eye by eye. If something goes wrong then you can at least still anticipate with sight… ..
No kidding of course! We definitely do not advise to do this type of treatment yourself. As much as you want it, wait a while until you can go to the salon with a trained lash stylist. Because not only would it be nice to maintain your eyelashes, but the risks that lash lifts carry with them are still great. What happens if liquid from Lash Lift gets into your eye? What should you do then, and what can it cause? These are things you should all consider.
So we really do not encourage the kits that are sold for self-use of natural eyelashes in the living room! We do encourage training to do a Lash Lift treatment in the right way for someone. Even a small course to treat, for example, only your mother, aunt and sisters for permanent curl in the lashes is worth it. How so? You don’t want to make a job of it? No you can, but the course is already nice after 3 treatments!
Eyelashes permanently curl badly?
We just told you .. Curling eyelashes permanently in the living room can be bad if you don’t have the right knowledge. But is lashes permanently curling with a lash lift treatment bad at all? Let’s start with explaining that natural lashes change between 6 to 8 weeks in each person. This is called the natural growth cycle of a hair. The hair comes out of the hair follicle, it grows to become the longest version of the hair at its strongest, and then falls out again. So this process is constantly repeated. There are a number of medicines or other factors that can cause natural eyelashes to fall out earlier or in which the growth process is influenced. When this is the case, a Lash Lift treatment can also suffer from this.
As long as the rules of the brand used for a Lash Lift treatment are maintained, the consequences will be minor. The most common rule would be: 1 Lash Lift treatment per 4 weeks at least with the same customer. So earlier than 4 weeks after the last Lash Lift treatment, the stylist may not perform it again. As long as this rule is followed, a Lash Lift can do very little damage to the natural lashes.
But there is an exception: is the stylist experienced and alert enough before and during the treatment to be able to perform it without causing any damage? You can often see this from the experiences that other customers have, and from the general information on websites and social media. The more active someone is in the recent field, the greater the chance that the treatment will be carried out daily and therefore more experience is available.
Anything done excessively is considered bad. You can also make that plausible for the treatment of a permanent curl in the natural lashes. Remember that well!
How permanent is permanent eyelash curling?
Maybe you have experience with it: permanent make-up. Something that even in the name contains the word “permanent”, but it actually isn’t. Because of the growth cycle explained above, you can therefore assume that something like permanent eyelash curling does not actually exist completely. It is permanent, in all weeks until the hair falls out again in the natural way. Then a new hair has to be treated again.
Permanent lashes are therefore not curly permanent. Partly, but not forever. It is nice that you can only undergo another treatment every 6 to 8 weeks. So you really enjoy your curled lashes for 2 months!
There are also aftercare advice. At a professional salon you will receive an aftercare form or brochure. Here you can see what you can or cannot do with your eyelashes in the near future, in order to optimize the maintenance of the treatment. Even if you strictly adhere to this, the treatment should pack well (it will continue to work for 24 hours after the treatment), and it should remain in place.
In addition, you can also buy lotion 3 from the brand at some salons as optimal aftercare. Lotion 3 contains keratin, from which a hair originally consists. The more the hair is stimulated with this, the better the treatment will work.
Cost of permanently curling your lashes
Costs for permanently curling your eyelashes by means of a Lash Lift treatment vary between € 45 and € 70. This differs per brand and salon. It is not really a big difference, because compared to eyelash extensions, for example, prices vary more than compared to a Lash Lift.
As long as the treatment works well, and you are happy with it, you can decide for yourself whether it is worth what you spend on it and how long the treatment will last.
Salons base their prices on costs; personnel costs, rental costs, purchasing costs and other additional additional costs for having a salon. Want to know more about how to start your own business in the eyelash world? Then read this blog
Aren’t eyelash extensions cheaper than permanent eyelash curls or lash treatments?
A frequently asked question is whether eyelash extensions are cheaper and “longer lasting” than undergoing a Lash Lift treatment. We can confirm this with the answer: no. Eyelash extensions and a Lash Lift treatment are in any case not really comparable in our opinion. Take a good look at the next photo.
Eyelash extensions really meet a different need than just a curl in the natural lashes. Should you have long natural eyelashes from yourself or from a growth serum? Then you are lucky! Because you often do not need much more than that. When someone lacks volume on one of their eyes, does not want to use mascara, creates length, or gets an open look, you usually start with eyelash extensions.
Eyelash extensions that are placed with IZZI Lashes; best retention due to the glue, and extremely soft eyelash extensions that we offer will adhere to natural hair for a very long time. So with a volume treatment you already have fun for about 4 to 6 weeks before you will have to fill up. This is therefore “shorter” compared to a Lash Lift treatment where customers on average between 6 and 8 weeks only opt for a Lash Lift treatment again.
The advantages between both parties are therefore completely different and remain a personal choice. But we can in principle conclude that eyelash extensions are not cheaper in terms of duration and costs compared to a Lash Lift treatment.
Curl and dye eyelashes permanently
You can easily dye your lashes during a treatment. The paint is applied between the steps of the lotions. You can often choose from a certain color of paint. If you have blonde lashes, you might think about choosing brown paint for the natural lashes. But this is not necessarily, do you really no longer need to use mascara? Then after a Lash Lift and a black paint you have an even greater result than if you have brown paint applied and then you have to apply mascara every day. Ultimately, the paint works out faster than the Lash Lift treatment continues. You can choose to have your eyelashes tinted again after 3 weeks after the Lash Lift treatment. The Lash Lift treatment is still good enough, and should not be applied earlier, but the paint can!
You also have a black-blue paint: it is a blue glow that is present in the black paint. And believe it or not: this gives more depth and volume to your lashes! Check out the results below yourself!
Eyelashes permanent curl experiences
Of course everyone will experience a treatment differently. This is purely because there are a lot of brands and salons in the world. Each brand has a different treatment method, often they partly agree. But for the time being, most lash lift treatments all have a unique method. It is of course good to read in as you already do through this blog. But do you really want to compare what experiences are about lash lift treatment?
Check out more of our treatments.
Mijn naam is Isabella Levels en met jarenlange ervaring in de industrie deel ik graag mijn permanente make up kennis en technieken. Mijn passie ligt in het accentueren van natuurlijke schoonheid, en ik hoop anderen te inspireren met tips en inzichten die zowel beginners als professionals kunnen helpen in hun carrière!
Mijn naam is Isabella Levels en met jarenlange ervaring in de industrie deel ik graag mijn permanente make up kennis en technieken. Mijn passie ligt in het accentueren van natuurlijke schoonheid, en ik hoop anderen te inspireren met tips en inzichten die zowel beginners als professionals kunnen helpen in hun carrière!